Wednesday, 5 January 2011


I really love this song…. A sorry heart by Wonder Girls.

Ermm ada sebab kenape aku post lagu nih secara tiba-tiba kat sini. 2 tahun lepas aku dah meremuk redam kan hati seseorang. Kesian dia. I am sorry but I can’t give you my love because I can’t, I did try my best but in the end I end up lying to myself.

You are such a great guy, kind hearted, ‘calon menantu’ and what so ever. Like this song, I have been staying beside you with a sorry heart, but in the end it wasn’t you. Yeah I was mean back then, but do you really want us to keep going when my physic is with you but my heart wasn’t?

I am never forget about you, I feel guilty and I deserve a punishment. I get what I deserve. So, I hope you can be happy, find other girl who love you. We are still friend right??

PAPERkelip : Hidup dengan perasaan bersalah itu salah.


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